Gastrointestinal Health

Expert, specialized care for colon and rectal disorders.


Dr. Steve Roberts of the Bozeman Clinic has taken a special interest over the years in offering our patients consultation and intestinal health screening by performing Colonoscopies. We are pleased to announce that Dr. Jeremy Waters is also skilled in performing these procedures. The Colonoscopy is a procedure that allows the provider to look at your large intestine by inserting a flexible instrument through your rectum. It is used to screen for unexplained bleeding or changes in bowel habits and also to detect any changes within the intestine that would indicate possible colon cancer. Our provider and registered nurses involved in caring for you during your colonoscopy are specially trained and ACLS certified. You may need to have an office visit, known as a pre-colonoscopy consultation, with one of these two doctors where the procedure is explained to you in detail and you are given a set of prep instructions by the nursing staff.


Flexible sigmoidoscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to examine the rectum and the lower (sigmoid) colon. It is an accurate method of investigating the cause of rectal bleeding, change in bowel habit, and rectal symptoms such as pain and diarrhea. Flexible sigmoidoscopy provides a more limited examination of the rectum and colon and can be utilized as part of colon cancer screening in patients who would prefer a more limited procedure over the Colonoscopy.

Dr. Roberts, Dr. Waters, and Dr. Benda perform sigmoidoscopies and are available to visit with you regarding your options for colon cancer screening.

Upper Endoscopy

An Upper Endoscopy or EGD is used to diagnose problems in your esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. The endoscope is a flexible instrument that is inserted through your mouth and allows the physician to view the lining of your upper intestinal tract. Dr. Roberts, Dr. Waters, and Dr. Benda all perform upper endoscopies at the Bozeman Clinic as a diagnostic tool to help determine if patients are suffering from conditions such as gastritis, esophagitis, hiatal hernia, bleeding, or reflux disease known as GERD. You will need to have an office visit, known as a pre-EGD consultation, with your physician where the procedure is explained to you in detail and you are given a set of prep instructions by the nursing staff. Your test will be scheduled as soon as possible thereafter. It is highly recommended that you check with your insurance company prior to scheduling your Endoscopy so that you are aware of what insurance will cover and what portion will be your responsibility.

  • Colonoscopy
  • Gastric Endoscopy

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